Even as Anakin got better as a duelist, Dooku was still able to consistently match him, until the young Jedi's more aggressive attack finally got the better of him. In his final moments, Dooku realized that this was Palpatine's intent the entire time. Yoda did. - Qui-Gon (metaphorical father as Anakin has none) says to Shmi (his mother) "I will watch over him, you have my word." After Qui-Gon and Maul die Palpatine states "We are indebted to you for your bravery Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is mainly a close-ranged hero. Palpatine was one of, if not the, most powerful and expert force users ever. Outside of scaling and direct feats Maul is the superior. Anakin is a daring, cunning, fast, strong, and adaptive duelist. Exar Kun 5. Dooku , aka Darth Tyranus, was the greatest Makashi practicioner of all time. Mace and Yoda are the only ones who can beat Dooku in a duel*. His goal is to turn Anakin - and to turn Anakin, he needs Mace to do something unacceptable enough that Anakin thinks "Hey, the Sith aren't so different from the Jedi" - for him to attempt an extrajudicial execution - a murder. It was said that only Mace Windu, Count Dooku and Palpatine were able to fight with him on equal terms. Obi Wan was unable to defeat Count Dooku because the Count was a significantly better lightsaber duelist. Vader only improves his ability and is canonically faster and physically stronger. darth-sinister, Jul 4, 2007 #3 Master_Starwalker Manager Emeritus VIP - Former Mod/RSA Registered: Master Yoda. Kenobi thus would've likely only been a distraction at best with Yoda--on the other hand, he knew his own apprentice much better, and was closer to his level. 1. Anakin on the other hand was more comfortable than ever, his form was the perfect match for Dooku's form II Makashi, which had trouble defending against strength based attacks. Many Star Wars fans argue that Yoda is the best and most powerful of all the lightsaber duelists. He's listed as a better duelist than both Sidious and Dooku from a canon source. I'm NOT saying that Dooku was in any way stronger than Anakin, just that Anakin was a living being and that given the right circumstances anything is possible. But perhaps it wasn't meant that "everyone" is a better duelist than Dooku, only the main Jedi/Sith, which is more reasonable, but still wrong. Originally Answered: Why couldn't Obi-Wan defeat Count Dooku?Obi Wan was unable to defeat Count Dooku because the Count was a significantly better lightsaber duelist.Obi Wan was a master in Form III lightsaber combat. 25d Palpatine is definitely stronger than Dooku, but at least pre-TCW Dooku was one of the few people of that era Palps doesn't just steamroll. Count Dooku came to a rather unfortunate end. Dooku's Lightsaber. And, since Dooku trained Qui Gon, it seems reasonable that much of Dooku's beliefs were reflected in those of Qui Gon. He wouldn't do s***.To be fair, Dooku is probably the better duelist, possibly the best duelist in the movies. However, I believe that Dooku's focus is greater than Mace's, as Dooku has mastered focusing through the Dark Side better than Mace. Both of them would be using the Dark Side, no doubt. Dooku even admitted that he was no match for Yoda. And Palpatine knows how to manipulate/shape Anakin better than Obi-Wan. Though dominating in some respects, Palpatine decisively lost a blade fight with Mace who was reportedly on roughly Dooku's skill. Dooku was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he learned the ways of the Force alongside other younglings. One notable one was how He went toe to toe with Count Dooku on Boz Pity, and with Darth Sidious in ROTS. Count Dooku lost to Anakin because Anakin was a lot better. Luke besting him in ROTJ is a really good feat, even if Vader was conflicted. Obi-Wan and Anakin set out to find Granta Omega, who has escaped to the planet of Korriban to help the Sith destroy the Jedi Order. Once the padawan of Grand Master Yoda, Dooku would take on a young Qui-Gon Jinn as his own padawan. Obi Wan Kenobi: Anakin's former master. 1. Count Dooku has mopped the floor with Obi-wan in almost every encounter.. Dooku Not really 100% sure though there are a lot of great sith. Dooku was a pawn Sidious sacrificed to his greater plan. You've got to admit, Yoda has definitely had more than enough . He had also been casually training Jedi for about 800 years. xxXAcStylesXxx. Obi Wan was a master in Form III lightsaber combat. In Dooku's case it was that Anakin was a better duelist than he himself gave him credit to being. Sure, Mace Windu overpowered him temporarily, but he had no answer to Palpatine's other force abilities, such as force lightning. (Vader saving his son and attacking Palpatine in Return of the Jedi). A patient leader who lives by his code as a Jedi. The main duelists of the 6 original films include Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sheev Palpatine, Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, Dooku, and Grievous. Vader is one of the greatest duelists of all time in canon. During his time as a youngling, he continuously strove to excel, working himself hard to achieve better results than his peers and always striving to remain within the boundaries of the rules set by his teachers. Qui-Gon is a skilled duelist and can duel Mace as an equal, but Dooku is superior. The dude was not as good of a duelist as Dooku. Dooku was clearly the superior duelist, but the two Jedi had strength in numbers. Unlike almost every other Jedi from his era, he adopted a lightsaber form designed for saber-on-saber combat. Dooku was integrated into Hawkbat Clan alongside fellow younglings Zang Arraira, Arath Tarrex, and Sifo-Dyas, under the direction of the Jedi Master Tera Sinube.During his time as a Jedi youngling, he continuously strove to excel, working himself hard to achieve better results . Mace Windu in more ways than one has easily displayed himself to be a superior duelist and more powerful than Obi-Wan. Dooku says that Qui Gon was aware of the corruption of the senate, and I believe it's also somewhat implied that Qui Gon was also aware of some of the ideological shortcomings of the Jedi Order. Sep 2, 2012. Yoda was a master of lightsaber combat, and was widely acknowledged as being perhaps the greatest Jedi duelist of his time despite being trained as a Jedi Consular. And for all his lacking comparison in Force respects, Dooku was the grandmaster duelist of SW. As Palpatine isn't a defensove skillset to counter like Kenobi was, Grievous should overwhelm the old sith master. . Dooku had a deeper connection to the ways of the Force than Palpatine did, having been a Jedi prior to falling to the dark side. Heck, Dooku would have been a way better duelist than him too so it makes little sense that Dooku was not the master. Luke should win this Dooku and Palpatine are both at very different levels in their dark ways. Whether he threw the whole fight or not against anakin, Dooku knew he couldn't win that fight once Anakin got angry. Count Dooku is a formidable and elegant duelist. Dooku is likely wiser, and more knowledgeable with a lightsaber. In AOTC Yoda destroyed Dooku. Yes, this leaves Palpatine against Dooku, but I think the margin between Palpatine and Dooku is greater than the difference between Ventress, Maul and Savage against Vader, just not by a huge amount. Don't kill me please." I would go with Mace considering he had a better mastery of the force than Starkiller. Dooku is a better duelist than Obi-Wan. Even Yoda worried about his obsession with form 2 and his unorthodox duel-style hilt design. He's listed as a better duelist than both Sidious and Dooku from a canon source. So what will Palpatine do? Over time he would secretly train three other apprentices. Second one has better odds in Palpatine's favor, but he still gets wrecked. But they would deal with that later. It would be a tough fight but in the end Darth Sidious would win he is a better duelist than both Count Dooku and Darth Vader and is a more powerful force wielder this fight would be a more . It just took longer for the Force to develop a countermeasure against him, and at the right moment. Even though Obi-wan has the advantage, Anakin knew he had the advantage but still tried attacking him. I'd say Palpatine was only successful in the short term since the Galactic Empire's dominance didn't last that long. ROTS Vader, pre-burning, has more raw power than Palpatine, though he would probably still lose one-on-one, but with the other guys behind him, no . People get shocked though because the prequel trilogy and didn't really show his progressions and didn't show how powerful he was. Darth sidious kills Dooku for a reason. So Anakin won. DE Sidious Anakin Dooku Kas'im Maul Kun and Ulic arent even close. Dooku was an apprentice to Palpatine. Palpatine would be rather angry with Dooku - he doesn't really want Dooku as his ultimate apprentice. Dooku has a great deal more experience, though. While Palpatine reveals his true nature to Anakin and thus the Jedi Council later, the where, who, and when of this reveal was entirely in Palpatine's control — if Dooku had been permitted to live, he could've blabbed it to tens of people, and the whole plot would be a wash. Plagueis is the 4th or 5th most powerful Sith, only behind the likes of Sidious, Darish Vol, Sarasu Taalon, and is an equal or inferior to Valkorion. At the time of his death, Yoda was a good 900 years old. Vader is around 6 or 7 & Maul and Dooku are . DE Sidious 2. Dooku was much older and experienced than Sidious, but more importantly, Plagueis never said that Dooku was more powerful than Sidious, but that he was a better duelist and this is Legends universe. 1y. It wouldn't be an easy fight by any stretch of means, but Palpatine would defeat him. Through more training, missions in the Clone Wars, and perhaps his midi-chlorian count, he was almost at his peak. The last one would be Anakin Skywalker.because he's the Chosen One, and if he did let himself go, is more powerful than Palpatine, but that is what Palpatine wants, so that wouldn't work out for anyone in the galaxy. You saw how Dooku dispatched him earlier. ^^^ Dooku is a great duelist but he isn't on the same level as Yoda or sidious. Yoda is a better contender for Plagueis, and Yoda on Vjun against Dooku had the capacity to "fall on him like a green thunderbolt and annihilate him utterly." Plagueis schools his grandson. Dooku had a deeper connection to the ways of the Force than Palpatine did, having been a Jedi prior to falling to the dark side. In this way, why did Dooku beat Obi Wan? Sidious vs Dooku, Windu vs Grievous, Yoda vs Vader, the list goes on. Obi-Wan Kenobi block force lightning that Count Dooku casts at him, Mace Windu blocks and deflects it back at Palpatine, Darth Vader can easily use his force powers to do the same thing and teach Luke how to do it also, Luke is also a skilled duelist and natural fighter and has great force powers. Palpatine was one of, if not the, most powerful and expert force users ever. Possibly punish Dooku. Count Dooku lost to Anakin because Anakin was a lot better. His lightning could easily be a lot weaker than Palpatine's lightning. Maul . Yoda is more powerful, says Anina. I would argue that Dooku himself wasa better duelist than Sidious (especially when you take into account that he wasn't actually someone who liked lightsabers in the first place). He fully experienced the Jedi Order from childhood to adult, from . Fans of George Lucas' famous sci-fi film hexology have long argued over which characters would win in theoretical battles against other Jedi, Sith, and everyone in between. Luke should win this Star Wars: 12 Characters Stronger Than Yoda (And 12 Surprising Ones Who Aren't) Yoda is one of the strongest Jedi of all time — but he's not the strongest force user ever. All of this was in service of getting Anakin to fall. * In the time Sidious spent mastering all 7 forms, Dooku trained . No, seriously, Dooku put up a much better fight against Yoda than sidious did as Sidious's entire strategy was to run away the whole time. Dooku was an extremely skilled and vastly experienced lightsaber duelist. Quite likely - justifying it by saying Anakin was a major part of the plan to tear the Republic apart, etc. The big question is whether this is ROTS Vader or Original Trilogy Vader. 2. Nonetheless, Palpatine proved to be more than a match for him, and Fisto was killed after only a few moments of fighting. He fully experienced the Jedi Order from childhood to adult, from . Yoda did. Form III is an almost entirely defensive style of combat. Heck, Dooku would have been a way better duelist than him too so it makes little sense that Dooku was not the master. If the Jedi captured Dooku then the war ends with Anakin even more of a hero without any of the baggage of straight up murdering a dude. Plus Mace having a source last year saying he was the most skilled duelist in the order. Maul has 2 direct comparisons which make him out to be close to Vader in some regard while Dooku has no comparisons despite being the apprentice that came before Vader. There's this interaction, in the book Dooku: Jedi Lost between Yoda and Dooku. Form III is an almost entirely defensive style of combat. Vader is one of the greatest duelists of all time in canon. A talented Jedi who has the best pure defensively style in the order. - Qui-Gon (metaphorical father as Anakin has none) says to Shmi (his mother) "I will watch over him, you have my word." After Qui-Gon and Maul die Palpatine states "We are indebted to you for your bravery Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ahsoka was still thankful she had picked up Jar Kai, though; having the extra blade was helpful in countering Dooku's strikes. anyoneandeveryone 1 year ago #2 Edit: I know it isn't canon, but Darth Plagueis is one of the better sources to refer to. That's a nice long time to perfect fighting skills, learn a bunch of stuff about the Force, and just grow in one's abilities. Vader is around 6 or 7 & Maul and Dooku are . I don't think Obi-Wan is an equal to Dooku. . Palpatine's lightsaber . After getting their clocks cleaned by Count Dooku at the end of Attack of the Clones, Anakin and Obi-Wan faced him again in the opening act of Revenge of the Sith.While infiltrating a Separatist ship to free a supposedly kidnapped Palpatine, the two Jedi run afoul of the count and engage him in another duel.. RELATED: Star Wars: 5 Things Revenge Of The Sith Got Right (& 5 It Got Wrong) Dooku was one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) duelist in the Jedi order before he fell. And yeah, maybe, in the meantime, Palpatine gets even more executive powers, which would essentially make him the Emperor, just without the title. And Palpatine knows how to manipulate/shape Anakin better than Obi-Wan. Dooku knocked Kenobi out in less than a minute. Maul has straight up been confirmed to have been a better duelist than Dooku according to the book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know. Comparing Dooku and Palpatine as opponents is no fair way to gauge their counterparts' skills. I said Revan was better than them OVERALL. People get shocked though because the prequel trilogy and didn't really show his progressions and didn't show how powerful he was. Palpatine was smarter than most Sith. Plagueis is the 4th or 5th most powerful Sith, only behind the likes of Sidious, Darish Vol, Sarasu Taalon, and is an equal or inferior to Valkorion. He's very experienced and has a greater rage, which fuels his abilities, putting him way over Dooku. Palpatine wrecked some of the best Jedi that Windu took along with him in seconds. 1 Mace Windu's Death Sealed Palpatine's Success One of the foremost Jedi of the Order at the time of the Clone Wars, and one of the best duelists the Order had ever seen, Windu was a master of the unique Vapaad form. Taking a closer look at this volatile, wise, and calm master, it is not easy to contradict this opinion. If Obi Wan had faced Dooku one on one (something we never see) I believe that the match would be much more even, with Obi Wan eventually winning. Palpatine was also the teacher of Darth Maul, another incredibly skilled duelist. Why did Palpatine betray Dooku? Palpatine set up his demise at the hands of Anakin Skywalker, one of the final steps in pushing the young Jedi over the edge to the dark side of the Force. Now, that may be why Obi-Wan doesn't struggle much with Dooku's lightning. ROTS Vader 3. Anakin stomps both. Answer (1 of 3): Can't think of a source, other than the simple logic that: * Dooku has been wielding a lightsaber for a longer time, by the time Sidious was born, Dooku had already been Yoda's Padawan for a good amount of time. Comparing Dooku and Palpatine as opponents is no fair way to gauge their counterparts' skills. Anakin is viewed as the hero of the Clone Wars by many Republic citizens and has won the Jedi Order dozens of battles. Maul is top three lightsaber duelist for Sith above Dooku. He is powerful, but he still was not as powerful as Palpatine. The only reason anyone would support canon Dooku winning is if you think Dooku = Yoda = Palpatine (But you could just go Maul = Mace = Palpatine in reverse so scaling doesn't work in A vs B vs C fights) . In Dooku's case it was that Anakin was a better duelist than he himself gave him credit to being. Maul has every advantage. Palpatine 4. Count Makashi. 23 Continue this thread 3 . However, between being explicitly ordered to not kill Anakin as well as his own arrogance and disrespect for Anakin, he was caught off guard. He can swing and block longer than most other lightsaber wielders, possessing a high amount of stamina.Count Dooku can also dodge more frequently than other heroes, possessing three dodges instead of two. Subsequently, one may also ask, who was Yoda's apprentice?

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