So, when Palpatine told the separitists to go the the Mustafar system, he was basically saying "Go to Hell". Sheev Palpatine, a.k.a. You weak fool! Mace Windu pointed his blade at the disarmed Sith. However . I don't think that Palpatine necessarily wanted Grievous to die, as though he couldn't have been useful to the Galactic Empire. How does grievous die? The Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and . Answer (1 of 2): Both Count Dooku and Darth Maul DID tried to persuade the Jedi that they're the lesser evil, instead the Jedi focusing on the smaller threat, they should remove the bigger threat first, unfortunately the Jedi were too blind sighted for their hatred for the Sith to notice. But Rex acts as a catalyst and convinces Wolffe and Gregor that the Jedi are friends and the Empire is the enemy. Tyranus was the case of Palpatine appealing to a man's want to reform the existing system. This marks the earliest version of Shaak's death as it appeared in George Lucas' first drafts of the Revenge of the Sith script. Darth Sidious, born Sheev Palpatine and also known simply as the Emperor, was a human male Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the Galactic Empire, ruling from 19 BBY to 4 ABY.Rising to power in the Republic Senate as the senator of Naboo, the secretive Sith Lord cultivated two identities, Sidious and Palpatine, using both to further his political career. The origins of Darth Sidious were closely guarded secrets that he took to his grave more than once. Grievous was originally a reptilian Kaleesh from the planet Kalee, where he lived his early life. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. Grievous noticed this in the novelization - he attempted to get a path cleared by threatening to kill Palpatine - because Palpatine had just been released, his threats failed. For now, Grievous seems to be biding his time in or near Utapaun airspace. But by outsmarting Anakin, by outlasting him, by playing the long game. All throughout the fight Obi Wan led Anakin into spaces where his lightsaber forms were worse suited, a tight corridor, a narrow walkway, and more. A cloud of energy . Palpatine tossed him away but dropped his hold on Obi-Wan. It must not have mattered that much in the long term. Whatever Palpatine suffered in that chasm, it likely wasn't enjoyable, but we don't know that it was actually fatal. Dooku even remarks at one point about how brilliant the plan . The Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and . Palpatine was a father figure to Anakin. Palpatine crawled backwards through the broken glass, wailing as he went. Craving the power to defeat Jedi in battle, he chose to receive extreme cybernetic upgrades to increase his skills in combat, becoming an even more threatening and fearsome warrior. With that said, it's almost certain that Dooku did know the truth about the Chancellor, and that the criticism and kidnapping was all part of Dooku's act to foster war within the galaxy. Palpatine snapped backwards from the hit and fell onto his back in the empty window frame. Canon Grievous vs jedi from rebels. Upon seeing Yoda die, the remaining four try to kill Sidious, but Grievous starts an intense battle with Obi Wan. Dooku actually never cared for the Sith way himself, he was exploiting Palpatine's training for power, just as he was exploiting the Confederacy to achieve his dream of a reformed Republic, which as we know from the ROTS novelization, is the shtick . some people are trying to downplay their flaws or are looking them through rose-tinted glasses simply because they want the new movies to look worse in comparison. RELATED: 10 Incredible General Grievous Cosplays (That Every Star Wars Fan Needs To See) While Grievous has a reputation as an incompetent . However . Why Darth Sidious was afraid of General Grievous? Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was sent to deal with Grievous. Also, when Grievous escapes the crashing ship he is hoping to kill both the Jedi and Palpatine. In doing so, the Lightblade flew out of his hand and out the window. He was a genetically modified clone of Palpatine that was created by the Sith cultists to give Palpatine a vessel to replace the imperfect cloned body in which he was revived. Yesterday at 7:00 PM. Lets say: Grievous survived his fight with Obi-Wan (he did not kill Obi, so fight Obi vs Anakin on Mustafar happened; Grievous just survived and escaped to his . Palpatine thought he was getting too close, plus he had his own agenda, which led to him eliminating his master without remorse. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, and Sheev Palpatine is the most infamous follower of its doctrines. Dooku provided insight into the Force, the Jedi and politics, while Grievous was a murderblender who terrified everyone into submission and doubled as a brilliant strategist. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. Suddenly, Darth Sidious along with his new creation, General Grievous, emerge, and Sidious impales Yoda in the back. Scheming, powerful, and evil to the core, Darth Sidious restored the Sith and destroyed the Jedi Order. Palpatine, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, was a brilliant and Machiavellian tactician who pitted portions of the galaxy against each other, pulling the strings of both sides as he gradually subjugated worlds under Sith rule. Later, I think Palpatine intended for Grievous to kill Obi-Wan (as he called Grievous on Utapau to warn him that Obi-Wan was on his way alone). Grievous jumped to his feet and fired a last time. As Obi-Wan pursues a new threat, Anakin acts as a double agent between the Jedi Council and Palpatine and is lured into a sinister plan to rule the galaxy. Palpatine did say "DO IT" when Anakin hesitated about killing Dooku, which Obi-Wan apparently missed in all the commotion. Description: This is an alternate universe Star Wars story about what would happen if Anakin did not choose to kill Dooku during the Battle of Coruscant. Palpatine arranges for Anakin to be the one who kills Grievous, thus being the hero who ends the war. Palpatine knew the Jedi were using Anakin to spy on him. The war continues. "You called me a worthless tin can on the phone! Originally a freedom fighter on his homeworld, Grievous quickly became a feared force on the battlefield. #1. The battle was primarily the Republic attempting to get Palpatine back - it's safe to say that the escape routes would have been blocked off. Having killed Dooku, Grievious, and also the Separatist leaders on Mustafar, Anakin has a lot of popular support and admiration. The Only Truth. Did Count Dooku want to betray Sidious? Palpatine did not orchestrate Anakin to pop up to save him the last minute . When Obi-wan is on Utapau, he is expected to die at the hands of either General Grievous or Order 66 when it's time comes. He was born on the Mid Rim planet Naboo as Sheev Palpatine, eighty-four years before the Battle of Yavin. Some fans might think it would be an unearned reveal to claim that Palpatine . As the only survivor after many failed attempts to create other clones, Palpatine was initially proud of him as a creation, and called him his "son". "Oh noooo!" screamed Jar Jar. Sidious wanted Dooku to die by Anakin's hand. Palpatine successfully overthrew the Republic in the Star Wars prequels, and the death of his apprentice, Count Dooku, was always part of his plan. 11 comments 86% Upvoted This thread is archived The relationships of Palpatine from the Star Wars universe. But as any die-hard Star Wars Legends fan knows, Sidious succeeded (sort of). Plagueis would fight Windu and Skywalker while Sidious dueled Mundi and Grievous fought Obi Wan. When Anakin discovered that Palpatine was in fact Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, he informed Mace of this discovery. Because if they had sent Anakin, we all know he could've killed grievous, and then Palpatine couldn't have convinced him to switch over to the dark side, as the war was over, and the senate would've stopped the war before Palpatine could get to Anakin, so what was his logic? Everything would change if Anakin went to face Grievous instead of Obi-Wan. He had foreseen the entire battle and knew more or less exactly what would occur. The two will fight on the landing platform. Mustafar was essentially "Hell" in the Star Wars universe. This is characterized by the TFA/Naboo blockade plotline. Throughout the first six Star Wars Skywalker Family Saga Films, viewers understanding of the Dark Side primarily relied on the philosophical beliefs of Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious, a Sith Lord who seeks to dismantle the New Republic & the Jedi in order to control the Galaxy.. Often his method of philosophy relied on pitting his proteges or understudies against each other, in order to . Anakin might have been egged into killing Grievous and possibly the rest of the separatist leaders and completed his turn to the darkside before returning. (didn't happen) Order 66, Jedi rendered extinct. Had Grievous attempted to kill him, he would simply have destroyed him and come up with an explanation for his death when Anakin and Obi-Wan arrived. Palpatine's plan for The Phantom Menace was to set in motion the initial events to be set up as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. PALPATINE : That may be true, but with Count Dooku dead, he is the leader of the Droid Army, and I assure you, the Senate will vote to continue the war as long as Grievous is alive. A master swordsman, talented negotiator and sentimental ex Jedi Master, Count Dooku met his demise as a result of empathy for his Padawan's Padawan. Obi-Wan killed Grievous as his clone troopers assaulted the Separatists' droids. "Whoa!" shouted the annoying alien. Grievous chose to become a cyborg, receiving his enhancements over time, after the Sith, the ancient enemies of the Jedi, offered them to him, as they had been researching into cybernetically enhanced individuals. Registered: Sep 12, 2003. Into the Battle The storm above (Introduction): Chancellor Palpatine has been kidnapped by General Grievous during his attack on Coruscant. Emperor Palpatine / Darth Sidious. He led his Kaleesh followers in conquering things. During the fighting, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66. "Get up Kenobi! Sheev Palpatine was secretly trained as a Sith Lord, taking the name of Darth Sidious. Despite his two attempts to save Obi-Wan . Palpatine's entire plan to take Anakin as his apprentice, execute order 66 and establish total control over the galaxy hinged entirely on Kenobi. In the meantime, Palpatine approached the unstable Anakin Skywalker and manipulated him into leaning towards the Dark Side of the Force. Yoda (/ ˈ j oʊ d ə /) is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe, first appearing in the 1980 film The Empire Strikes Back.He is a small, green humanoid alien who is powerful with the Force and served as Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.In The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda was voiced and puppeteered by Frank Oz, who reprised the role in Return of the Jedi, the prequel trilogy, and the . In Return of the Jedi, the Emperor, trailing Force lightning from his fingertips, plunged into the reactor core of the second Death Star, which the Rebels were about to blow up. Palpatine just ended up having to sacrifice Grievous with the way things turned out. It's a fitting place for them to meet their demise. However, if the partnership had continued, the likelihood of Darth Plagueis discovering the secrets to eternal life might have been achieved. Grievous served as the Supreme Commander of the Army of the Confederacy throughout the Clone Wars.Allied with the Separatists, Grievous was known as a fearsome Kaleesh warrior throughout the galaxy. He orchestrated the fall of the . Even if you want to argue that Mundi was too busy to help Obi-Wan, Mace Windu didn't appear to be occupied at the time, and the same is true for several other Jedi Masters, such as Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, or Saesee Tiin (who all took part in the unsuccessful attempted arrest of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine). The backstory of General Grievous varies depending on whether you follow Star Wars canon or Legends, but two things remain the same; he hates the Jedi, and his cyborg body enables him to fight the Jedi on even footing despite not being Force-sensitive. On the other hand, we need to remember that Dooku and Grievous were vital to the Separatist cause. would enact contingency orders in the event of Palpatine's death while in office. He knows the game is up and he doesn't want to die, so if he's as smart as we think he is, he'll lie low for a while," a Republic official who requested anonymity told the Independent. MACE WlNDU: Then the Jedi Council will make finding Grievous our highest priority. Anakin would never become Darth Vader and the Republic wouldn't become the Empire. The point is, I just don't see the . Palpatine notes that Vader didn't throw him over the side of the railing and down the reactor shaft of the second Death Star until after the Rebels "let an urban fly the Millenium Falcon." "It wasn't until after they did their Marxist affirmative action and hired Lando Calrissian that I got canceled," Palpatine insisted. Meaning, Order 66 would undoubtedly still go down, but it would not be successul enough to wipe out the entire Order, because not every piece was perfectly in place yet at that point in time. Grievous was originally a reptilian Kaleesh from the planet Kalee, where he lived his early life. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my star wars fan fiction. And Palpatine's grand contingency plan should he die as Emperor? He has been taken aboard the Invisible Hand. Palpatine's small inner circle (Sly Moore, Mas Amedda, etc.) Maybe Palpatine liked the thought of sending the seperatists to "hell". However, if the partnership had continued, the likelihood of Darth Plagueis discovering the secrets to eternal life might have been achieved. The point of the blockade is to prove the ineffectiveness of the Republic, which would eventually end with Senate having no confidence in Valorum, and leaving . It didn't seem like anyone should mess with him. In Revenge of the Sith, the "captured" Palpatine eggs Anakin on to kill Dooku, prompting a look of betrayal in the Count's face.It's possible that Palpatine's leaking bloodlust shocks Dooku into realizing the . Similarly, it is asked, what episode did General Grievous die? "So long suckers." Laughed the cyborg and jumped down to the lower levels. "I'm General Grievous, the most evil cyborg that ever lived!" exclaimed the general. The relationships of Palpatine from the Star Wars universe. Palpatine is rescued by Anakin and Obi-Wan, but not before the Jedi confront Dooku again. During Leia's trial on the merits of her actions in freeing Jabba the Hutt's prisoners, she reveals that Darth Vader had killed Emperor Palpatine. Obeying the order, Commander Cody ordered his troops to fire on Obi-Wan. PALPATINE: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? In Return of the Jedi, the Emperor, trailing Force lightning from his fingertips, plunged into the reactor core of the second Death Star, which the Rebels were about to blow up. Prepare to die!" bellowed Grievous. "Grievous is running scared. Anakin initially declined, but his . It's a Sith legend. I think his plan was to have Grievous link up with the other CIS leaders on Mustafar after which he would send Anakin to clean up shop and . Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) Three years into the Clone Wars, the Jedi rescue Palpatine from Count Dooku. As a commander, Grievous led his people to victory over those who had invaded their home. But as any die-hard Star Wars Legends fan knows, Sidious succeeded (sort of). PALPATINE: That maybe true, but with Count Dooku dead, he is the leader of the Droid Army, and I assure you, the Senate will vote to continue the war as long as Grievous is alive. A duel ensues in which Anakin disarms and kills Dooku at Palpatine's urging. He wouldn't do that if he knew that Palpatine was his boss. The Senate has, at one point, given emergency powers to Palpatine, but only until General Grievous was defeated. Grievous wins the battle vs obi wan and goes to Mustafar, where he escapes the Slaughter of the CIS council to be stopped by Palpatine. . The clones don't want to rouse the Empire's ire by supporting the Jedis. As the only survivor after many failed attempts to create other clones, Palpatine was initially proud of him as a creation, and called him his "son". This is a part of Palpatine that the new canon really gets to hit on. Palpatine had a strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force and was a powerful precog. Dooku . A cloud of energy . ANAKIN: No. Not to mention Anakin trusted and liked Palpatine so much, that he would have had a hard time believing he was a Sith Lord. Palpatine, also known by his Sith name Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Palpatine wanted a scary, violent monster to lead the droid army, so he could scare the Senate into more dramatic ways to stop the droid army. He did adamantly say he needed Palpatine alive (so that he could keep people Anakin loved from dying, as he told Anakin earlier), so I'm of the opinion that he would still have gone against the Jedi even if he had seen Palpatine attack them.only because he didn't want Palps to die. Jun 13, 2019 2,661 . No force for Palpatine (not that he will need it much). Jul 3, 2016. When Grievous was located on Utapau, Anakin explained that Palpatine wanted him to lead the campaign to kill Grievous, but Mace disregarded this, sending Obi-Wan to go instead. He had to trade Grievous to get Anakin, and it was a swap he was more than willing to make. . Darth Sidious, has always been an enigmatic character in Star Wars lore, and much of his role in the saga remains shrouded in mystery. #329. During Leia's trial on the merits of her actions in freeing Jabba the Hutt's prisoners, she reveals that Darth Vader had killed Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine's Plan for The Phantom Menace. He was a genetically modified clone of Palpatine that was created by the Sith cultists to give Palpatine a vessel to replace the imperfect cloned body in which he was revived. All rewies are welcome. If you want to know if Grievous escapes just wait for the second chapter. Especially since he worked with Palpatine and the Separatists. SAND-CRAWLER, Nov 3, 2005. Similarly, it is asked, what episode did General Grievous die? However, the idea that the Jedi Council really wanted to question Count . With the trailer for The Rise of . In the movie, Palpatine reveals himself to Anakin when he is told that Obi Wan has engaged Grievous, not that Grievous is destroyed. While Maul may have been pure hatred, Palpatine was evil to the core. He collapsed on the ground and fought to breathe as Maul engaged back to fight with Palpatine. The lightning sent surges of Dark Side energy through Anakin, but nothing compared to what Dooku had unleashed on him a few years before, since although Palpatine was . E. EightBit Man Member. Fight! Hundreds of millions of droids have flooded Coruscant . C) Remember, Dooku hated the Jedi as much as Sidious, so Dooku, even in death, probably wouldn't want that plan exposed. I don't think Palpatine expected Grievous to die there. Destroy the Empire because it does not deserve to live if it cannot defend its Emperor, then start over. Yes. A Dark Lord of the Sith in the Order of the Sith Lords, recorded by history as the most successful who had ever lived, his deeds resulted in overthrow the ancient Republic and the noble Jedi Order . He hit one of the clones, whose head was blasted away. From this point till the Battle of Endor, Rex is involved in over a dozen different missions and battles on the Rebels' side. yeah Grievous was kind of a let down in 3 in comparison. Fight with that rage I saw on Naboo. Palpatine started shaking his head, "No no, you will die!" He flexed his hands out and streams of Force Lightning lanced out, striking not Kenobi, but Anakin's lightsaber. After apologizing to Anakin and Obi-Wan for failing to protect Palpatine, Grievous brutally stabs Shaak Ti from behind - killing her immediately. In Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, General Grievous holds Supreme Chancellor Palpatine hostage aboard his flagship, the Invisible Hand. General Grievous is a major hero/antagonist in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.He is a Kaleesh cyborg general of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars era, and the Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies.Originally, Grievous was a warlord named Qymaen jai Sheelal and conquered various people. The killing of a powerful Sith such as Dooku was the tipping point to set Anakin on track to the Dark Side. So he did this without knowing who would win. On page 133 of the novelisation: In Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, General Grievous holds Supreme Chancellor Palpatine hostage aboard his flagship, the Invisible Hand. Obi Wan defeated Anakin on mustafar, not through superior skill with a blade or the force. Living a double life, he was also Palpatine, a . Maul slammed into Palpatine, the darksaber cutting down in a wide arc. Palpatine thought he was getting too close, plus he had his own agenda, which led to him eliminating his master without remorse. This information doesn't come as a surprise to any of them; they already knew this fact through revelations by Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi during earlier scenes of the film. Alternatively, Palpatine could have warned Grievous and ordered him to evacuate. When Obi-Wan tracked Grievous to Utapau, the native Pau'ans told him the cyborg's location. In the opening sequence of Matt Stover's novelisation of Episode III, it's made very clear that Grievous has no idea that Palpatine is Sidious. Palpatine didn't forsee Yoda and Obi-wan surviving, much less the battles that ocurred. Grievous was the perfect guy (cyborg? His hands flailed as he fell in an attempt to catch himself. This information doesn't come as a surprise to any of them; they already knew this fact through revelations by Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi during earlier scenes of the film. "You tell me. In the 2005 sequel Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, set three years later, Palpatine is captured by cyborg Separatist leader General Grievous (voiced by Matthew Wood ). PALPATINE: I thought not.

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