Although Darth Sidious also known as Senator Palpatine managed to hide his yellow eyes, he eventually showed them. The clone and Rey's mother chose to live as simple junk traders in . Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. Why do . Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. Then you see a Sith Lord! Then you see a Sith Lord! To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. Anakin Skywalker played a key part in Palpatine's vision — he was perhaps the most important element. The individual would pull their dark powers into themselves and adopt a mask of insignificance. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? The dark side causes some corruption when it's used passionately or over long periods of time. Alongside a rather slim face and light features similar to Darth Maul's race, Dathomirians, his eyes are prominently glowing. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. Answer (1 of 2): It is not directly said that he did, but it is strongly suggested that Fives was made privy to the entire Sith plot by Palpatine after he and Fives have a one-on-one discussion in the Surgical Center on Coruscant. Anakin's brow furrowed in confusion. The Jedi Order may have been at the height of its power during the Star Wars prequels, they still didn't know Palpatine was a Sith Lord the whole time. Straha wrote: ↑ 2021-12-24 07:41am Inspired by Shep's Death Star thread. Much like Palpatine and other Sith, he wears a thick cloak that hides his face. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. Yoda, and his Jedi Order, simply weren't able to face these new Sith in any meaningful way, and would be utterly destroyed by them if they tried. - Hands, Eyes, Voices, Reaches are Palpatine's personal agents that are sent on missions Vader is too public for . Palpatine was Darth Sidious. Obi-Wan shook his head. The antagonists are very important to the story told because of how they affect the events to be foretold as a whole. To convey emotion, they can't (okay, I mean they could) have a Narrator off to the left, "She said it was okay, but it wasn't oka. A Dark Lord of the Sith in the Order of the Sith Lords, recorded by history as the most successful who had ever lived, his deeds resulted in overthrow the ancient Republic and the noble Jedi Order . In Episode III Palpatine looks much better (I'm speaking about his appearance before the transformation, of course). Palpatine, one of the strongest characters in Star Wars managed to hide his Sith eyes. Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. A Master/Apprentice relationship is a lot eased to hide than a whole school of Sith wannabes, especially since the Jedi . I found this image of Palpatine, it's from Episode II. How Did Palpatine Hide His Sith Eyes? Same could in a way be said about Dooku. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? [Star Wars Insider 83 (page 32)] Palpatine, who has delved extensively into Sith lore, was using an almost-forgotten technique to hide his true self. The Jedi already had a bad image in the Republic. Obi-Wan had an interesting mixture of horror and disappointment on his face while Padmè looked like a woman who was re-evaluating her life choices. Because he was using the ability Mask to hide the visible signs of him dealing with the Dark Side. Yoda dismisses Dooku as a lying Sith, but then (kind of) agrees to keep an eye on the Senate, but clearly never does as you said. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. Sidious had yellow eyes before killing those Jedi, but only when he didn't hide as a Sith. Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. The individual would pull their dark powers into themselves and adopt a mask of insignificance. Most of the ancient Sith master's features are hidden. Anakin hasn't quite given into his hate. Jun 28, 2001. Xen'Mordin Palpatine is an Adept Elder and long-standing leader within Clan Scholae Palatinae.He led Scholae Palatinae as its Consul, and was the last reigning Emperor of the Cocytus system, in one of the longest lasting terms seen by the clan or the Empire.His long-standing tenure and absolute dedication to the Empire has resulted in him being named one of the keepers of the Legacy of . How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? Why did Palpatine not have Sith eyes? That's right: 36 years after Darth Vader tossed his one-time master down the second Death Star's reactor shaft, the former Senator of Naboo and leader of the Galactic Empire is returning to plague the galaxy once again in Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker, and he's bringing all of his deepest . To become a sith, firstly you must be strong in the force. Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. Palpatine, also known by his Sith name Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. The Jedi and the Republic are explicitly intertwined and that is the result of the previous conflict. It's a crazy Star Wars theory, but . Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. He was a Sith Apprentice. Sith Learnt how hide from Jedi so they could repress it. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. Light/Dark Forums. "It's just you.". Rise already ruined the the whole chosen one to destroy the sith storyline from the OG, bringing papa Palpatine back in this way was dreadful, at the very least Rise should be retconned if not the entire new trilogy unless they can try saving it like they did the prequel trilogy with supplemental shows like clone wars. Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. Death Battle Predictions: Palpatine VS Xehanort. Once he made his "Change" into his true form, his eyes remain Yellow all the time, but when he was Senator Palpatine, he avoided using the Dark Side any more than he had so that he could remain in hiding. In his conversation with Kylo, Palpatine repeats a line from the scene in Revenge of the Sith when he told Anakin about Plagueis: "The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some . If Palpatine was a little more patient and a little less angry he should have let himself be arrested by Mace Windu and gone to trial. Rey Palpatine, or "Skywalker," was a Jedi Padawan during the legacy Era and the mother of Zayne Skywalker.. Rey was born in 15 ABY during the rise of the New Republic.Her father was a bioengineered Strand-Cast cloned from the genetic template of Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord who ruled the Galactic Empire as Emperor Palpatine. Gaming Hangouts . How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? Why did Palpatine order Anakin to kill the younglings in the temple? You see those golden red eyes? Why Jar Jar Binks is a Sith? From a certain point of view, Rey's lightsaber . In the meantime, the Jedi had been retraining to fight the LAST war. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. The Galactic Republic is a theocracy. Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. Explanation: Palpatine was smarter than most Sith. Darth Sidious, continually proves himself the most malicious presence in the . The user DaTruestEva suggested that Palpatine will appear in "Rise of Skywalker" and won't hide his connection to the Sith. Given Palpatine's age, it's safe to assume he's been a Sith for a long while, and so during his time, he's obtained a number of Sith artifacts and archives. Then you would need either a Sith Lord to take you in as his apprentice or a sith holocron ( containing knowledge of the dark side) to learn the ways of the dark side. Or, at the least, in line with the Sith? Hide Images. He has sunken eyes, and looks to be about 70+ in age. Get over it!!! Palpatine is the mastermind and has been behind everything in the Galaxy to get where he is by Return of the Jedi. Not all Sith did all of that all the time, but there being only two Sith was often only technically true. Of course, that wouldn't have worked as well if he was walking around with Sith eyes, so whenever he was Chancellor Palpatine, he made sure to keep his yellow eyes hidden with his power. "Wait, but wouldn't that mean—". I mean if Mace did beat the crap out of Palpatine then that would make Mace the one to bring Balance To The Force and not Anakin. Why does Rey have a yellow lightsaber? His brow even furrows slightly - as if he's puzzled or concerned. E.g. A more important reason, though, is Jakku's . helping hide a Force-sensitive child from the prying eyes of the Sith). The fact is, Mace busted his ass, plain and simple. He needed to get more power regardless of how much he wanted to keep his corruption at bay. Most noticeably, Palpatine manages to hide his Sith eyes while serving as Supreme Chancellor, due to his control over his emotions. It's easy to say that his eyes should always be yellow, but they are not. It was a visual scene. Counterpoint 1: Palpatine, who did end up controlling the galaxy. The individual would pull their dark powers into themselves and adopt a mask of insignificance. Emperor Sheev Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious or the Emperor, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. Why did Palpatine not have Sith eyes? I mean, I'm not close to being an evil Sith Lord, but even I can think of a half-a-dozen better uses for a room full of force-sensitives from different species than giving my overly gullible apprentice his kick-the-dog moment. "The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. TL;DR: This theory "works" if Luke was on Jakku twice, and behaved similarly to how Obi-Wan behaved with him (i.e. Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. Palpatine is the public face of Darth Sidious, the heart of the Sith, from the time before the Empire, and until slightly after. There's the fan theory his power of hiding himself in the force extended to his physical appearance. The individual would pull their dark powers into themselves and adopt a mask of insignificance. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. but yeah he keeps an eye on ben since . By Ben Hardwick Published Dec 12, 2021 (Vader saving his son and attacking Palpatine in Return of the Jedi). Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. This proves that he is conscious of what he looks like and can knowingly hide his evil appearance from those around him when needed. Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. in Star Wars. Palpatine would have alternatives to make sure it succeeds anyway, in this case if Windu waited. Actually, this is fine. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? Dooku, for example, didn't hide from Jedi that he was a Sith, and still did not have yellow eyes. … He was not as close to the dark side as Sidious or Maul. . Why did Palpatine's face? To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. You see those golden red eyes? Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. 6. His Master was Darth Plagueis, the wise. His eyes were forcefully awakened fully when his second persona emerged during his one-on-one match against Murasakibara. Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith is back. The assassination attempt was just the event Palpatine used. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? Why did Palpatine not have Sith eyes? How did Palpatine / Darth Sidious hide his Sith eyes for so long from the Je. Snoke was not a new republic member. He would have found a way anyway to use the worsening image of the Jedi against them. Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. Jul 7, 2020 - Sith eyes tell no lies. It's very possible that throughout the entire Clone Wars, Palpatine kept one secret better than you think. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. Because he was using the ability Mask to hide the visible signs of him dealing with the Dark Side. Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. So when we see Palpatine's face twist and distort, that's his Sith mask being discarded, and we see his true face for the first time. A long time ago, the Sith decided to create the rule of two. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? The Sith robes, saggy pale skin, and yellow eyes should've given it away, but even after Palpatine transformed the Republic into the Empire, he worked very hard to hide his Sith background. Why was Palpatine concerned about hiding his powers? In Lords of the Sith: "You'll have to do this yourself, my friend," the Emperor said to Vader. 3. When he was Chancellor Palpatine, he kept his flaming eyes under wraps. What we do see is the typical bright orange eyes attributed to Dark Side features. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? It is only after his duel with Mace Windu, and conversion of Anakin to the dark side, that Sidious becomes his most powerful and the yellow eyes return, remaining with him for the rest of his life. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? "I can't be seen using the Force before so many witnesses." Vader openly uses his Force ability in front of people. Young Palpatine and Darth Plagueis. To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. Why Jar Jar Binks is a Sith? Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. Granted . Making movies is predominantly a visual then audio experience. In Season 6 of The Clone Wars, clone trooper Tup appears to have . Jul 7, 2020 - Sith eyes tell no lies. See. "There isn't another Jedi, Anakin," he whispered. The meaning is that the Sith are filled with anger and hate, which translates as they're totally evil. How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? Answer (1 of 3): Style over substance. In ROTS, Mace even states to Anakin "then our worst fears have been realized" when it is revealed that Palpatine is the Sith Lord. Palpatine utilizing Force clouding while speaking with members of the Jedi Council Force clouding was a cloaking technique employed by the Sith to conceal their true nature from the Jedi and other users of the Force. When his true nature is revealed in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, it's too late for the Jedi Council to stop his plans and avoid their utter destruction.The fact that Palpatine was able to hide his identity in plain sight . But I would assume that after he finds out that Padme is dead, his eyes turn yellow and stay that way until he saves Luke. Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. Then you see a Sith Lord! How did Palpatine / Darth Sidious hide his Sith eyes for so long from the Je. Gaming Forum. How did Palpatine / Darth Sidious hide his Sith eyes for so long from the Je. Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. A new Reddit fan theory suggests that the Sith Trooper might be a soldier for Emperor Sheev Palpatine — and might a symbol of the villain's new evil plan. No fair court would believe the Jedi's claim that he's a secret Sith lord, and even if they did believe it, the fact remains Palpatine was legally elected. Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. Befriending Anakin Skywalker. Darth Maul maybe didn't know Palps was Darth Sidious. Palpatine utilizing Force clouding while speaking with members of the Jedi Council Force clouding was a cloaking technique employed by the Sith to conceal their true nature from the Jedi and other users of the Force. The Sith had, over the last thousand years, changed the very rules of the ancient Jedi vs. Sith war. Why was Count Dooku not a Darth? Palpatine was in all actuality a very deformed Sith Lord from decades of using the Dark Side. This plays into why Palps decided to set up his observatory (and have his well into the planet's core dug) on Jakku. Based on George Lucas's word. Even Grand Moff Tarkin did not know for sure that Palpatine was a Sith Lord-- he only suspected, despite being on a first name basis with Palpatine. Palpatine utilizing Force clouding while speaking with members of the Jedi Council Force clouding was a cloaking technique employed by the Sith to conceal their true nature from the Jedi and other users of the Force. Palpatine knew just how to play his cards with the Chosen One from the first time he encountered him in The Phantom Menace.The fact that Palpatine had his eye on Anakin all along didn't guarantee he could successfully turn the Jedi to the dark side though. And then, Padme lays the bombshell on him: "I've decided to go back to Naboo." Palpatine seems to fall apart a little bit? 3 How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? His Sith apprentices include: Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus and Darth . How did Palpatine hide his Sith eyes? Of course when Mace Windu destroyed the mask in their duel, Darth Sidious' true form was exposed. Then the apprentice would learn how to use a lightsaber and techniques like force lightning. The individual would pull their dark powers into themselves and adopt a mask of insignificance. Zetta. And Palpatine's look here - like he doesn't betray much in the way of emotion, but he's listening to this and you get the impression he did not see this coming. Same could in a way be said about Dooku. Ratings: +17,681 / 60 / -13. The fact that the Emperor took such pains to hide his Sith identity even from the vast majority of Imperial soldiers suggests that the Rebellion didn't know, either. and instead of Palpatine being defeated by the love between Father and Son, Palpatine is instead defeated because Palpatine keeps getting his sith lightning reflected by lightsabers. In game terms, this is an application of the Alchemy skill from the Dark Side Sourcebook (page 13): Mask To hide this, he used force mask, which also hid his yellow eyes. 6 level 2 EtriganZ 5 years ago I think that was a direct result of his face getting affected by the lightning. Credits: 14,474. It wasn't there for literal accuracy. Lords of the Sith is set 5 years after Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, so Palpatine's rule was secure. Star Wars: Palpatine Hid a Horrifying Sith Stronghold - Right Under the Jedi's Noses Palpatine was the master of deceiving people right under their noses, and the secret hiding place for his Sith artifacts only confirms his skill.

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